Advisors Council is a growth focused community led by Lee Kearney. He's seen it all and done most of it, and he's passionate about helping you take your next step in business. Together we'll learn, share, and implement high-level business ideas in Real Estate and beyond to achieve the ultimate goal of freedom of wealth and time.

Advisors Council is a growth focused community led by Lee Kearney. He's seen it all and done most of it, and he's passionate about helping you take your next step in business. Together we'll learn, share, and implement high-level business ideas in Real Estate and beyond to achieve the ultimate goal of freedom of wealth and time.

Advisors Council is THE way to grow your real estate business.     

These videos tell the story...

Advisors Council
is THE way to grow your real estate business.

These videos tell the story...


SPIN Companies, CEO. FAST Companies,


Lee Kearney is one of the nation’s most successful single-family real estate investors. Since 2004, he has bought/sold 7,000+ properties and is known as the expert in leveraging real estate market cycles. The SPIN flagship trading company has a sales volume exceeding $500M to date. In 2022, a large focus for SPIN is capitalizing on the resurgence of foreclosures through its direct-to-seller model that combines technology, data mining, and sales & marketing.

Outside of his real estate ventures, Lee founded Future Advanced Sciences & Technologies (FAST) in 2014 with his business partner Kenneth Stillwell, which seeks investment and operational opportunities in cannabis worldwide. FAST is dedicated to serving the medical cannabis market.

Additionally, Lee teaches an education course, Advisors Council, a group of top-performing business operators around the country. By hosting this group, Lee has been able to expand his network of colleagues, which assists him in his nationwide operations at SPIN and FAST companies.


SPIN Companies, CEO. FAST Companies, Co-founder.

Lee Kearney is one of the nation’s most successful single-family real estate investors. Since 2004, he has bought/sold 7,000+ properties and is known as the expert in leveraging real estate market cycles. The SPIN flagship trading company has a sales volume exceeding $500M to date. In 2022, a large focus for SPIN is capitalizing on the resurgence of foreclosures through its direct-to-seller model that combines technology, data mining, and sales & marketing.

Outside of his real estate ventures, Lee founded Future Advanced Sciences & Technologies (FAST) in 2014 with his business partner Kenneth Stillwell, which seeks investment and operational opportunities in cannabis worldwide. FAST is dedicated to serving the medical cannabis market.

Additionally, Lee teaches an education course, Advisors Council, a group of top-performing business operators around the country. By hosting this group, Lee has been able to expand his network of colleagues, which assists him in his nationwide operations at SPIN and FAST companies.


"Lee is very informative. Willing to help any situation. They're for you when you need him. I really like how he dives deep into each individual persons problems. I'm super glad I joined the mastermind and I don't see myself ever leaving."


'"This market filters out a lot of jokers. You need to have a peer group like this to keep you engaged. As Lee says, "There's always money in real estate. You just have to be on the right side of the trade." Lee can teach you how to navigate the market so you're always on the right side."


"This is the most intelligent group of guys that I have been around. This is a tight group that really drills down on issues with individual businesses and processes. They are there to find solutions. After every event, I can't wait to get home and implement Lee's concepts."



"Lee is very informative. Willing to help any situation. They're for you when you need him. I really like how he dives deep into each individual persons problems. I'm super glad I joined the mastermind and I don't see myself ever leaving."


'"This market filters out a lot of jokers. You need to have a peer group like this to keep you engaged. As Lee says, "There's always money in real estate. You just have to be on the right side of the trade." Lee can teach you how to navigate the market so you're always on the right side."


"This is the most intelligent group of guys that I have been around. This is a tight group that really drills down on issues with individual businesses and processes. They are there to find solutions. After every event, I can't wait to get home and implement Lee's concepts."


Ready to grow your real estate business

and double your income?

To apply, simply click the buttons below. Don't forget to join our Facebook group for the latest updates and news about Advisors Council. We look forward to welcoming you!

Ready to grow your real estate business

and double your income?

To apply, simply click the buttons below. Don't forget to join our Facebook group for the latest updates and news about Advisors Council. We look forward to welcoming you!

Copyright 2024. All rights reserved

Copyright 2024. All rights reserved